I Just Got My 6th Vivace Micro-Needling Treatment!

My Experience With Vivace Micro-needling…

So I’m 32 years old. With age, inevitably comes sun spots, fine lines and wrinkles galore. 

Ok maybe the galore is a bit of an exaggeration, especially thanks to the preventative skincare that I’ve made a priority over the past few years!

With all the product + services I’ve tried, I have to say… NOTHING has changed my skin quite like Vivace Micro-needling has. Last week I got my 6th Vivace at SLK Clinic here in Nashville, and the results are just incredible. 

Every time I get this treatment, my skin just continues to get better and better as time goes on. Peep these unedited photos above, to the left is immediately after my 6th treatment- and to the right is a few days later. I do have a lightly tinted moisturizer on here, but you can still see my skins texture and the GLOW from underneath.

Never heard of Vivace? Interested? Let me break it down and give you all the information you’ll need!

What is Vivace Micro-needling?

To put it simply, it’s micro-needling with radio-frequency.  It’s an FDA-cleared, non-surgical cosmetic procedure that offers insane results.  It uses dozens of tiny needles that ultimately stimulates a healing response and rejuvenating affects.

Ever had micro-needling done or LED light therapy? Well this combines both with the use of robotics, ensuring precious and control through out. 

What is recovery like?

In my experience, I get slightly red for a few hours after the treatment— and then it’s GONE by the end of the day. From my understanding, the radio-frequency helps combat the redness. So virtually, zero downtime. 

What does it help?

It treats a number of skin issues, including fine lines, dullness, dark spots + acne scarring.

Benefits of Vivace:

  • Minimizes appearance of pores

  • Plumps & tightens skin

  • Increase collagen production*

  • Assist in the removal of dark spots + acne scars

  • Creates a radiant, dewy glow almost instantly

Does it HURT?

I personally don’t feel a thing. They will apply a topical numbing cream 15-20 mins before they begin, so you’re nice and numb! 

How much?

The price will vary from clinic to clinic, but the average is between $600-$1000 per treatment. 

Where can I get it done? 

You can find a physician near you here. If you’re in Nashville, I highly recommend getting it done at SLK! I’ve had nothing short of a great experience with them every time!

If you’re interested in getting a treatment at SLK, mention my name Jen Saviano, for a discount off of Vivace! 

Also, I picked up the Iopelle Ampoules and the Bio Bream last time I was in the clinic, and the Bio Cream is officially a part of my every day skincare routine. It’s an anti-aging and post treatment growth-factors cream that soothes and restores. It’s CLEAN, odorless and non-greasy. I used it specifically for post treatment, but I’ve continued to use every night since. It’s incredible. 

*Shop HERE and use code JEN10 for 10% off either of these products*

If you have any other questions about my experience with Vivace, drop them below and I’ll be happy to answer!


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